Moose Rut Season Videos

Moose Rut Videos

Moose Mum's Rare Twins Settle Down for the Evening »

Bull Moose Loves the Lake »

Big Bull Moose Vocalizing in Pursuit of Cow During the Rut »

Huge Bull Moose Comes out to Court During the Rut »

Huge Bull Moose Finds His Girl During the Rut »

Moose Calf Loves Splashing in the Lake at Night »

Big Bull Moose Courts Cow During Early Rutting Season »

Big Bull Moose Stops Traffic »

Bull Moose Heads into the Lake for Sustenance on a Beautiful Evening »

Magnificent Young Bull Moose Climbs for Love »

2 Big Bulls Meet The End of the Moose Rut »

2 Bull Moose Engaging in Some Sparring During the Rut in Canada's Rockies »

Big Bull Moose pursuing Cow with Calf and an Extra Arrival during the Moose Rut »

Big Bull Moose Unites with Cow and Calf Beginning of the Moose Rut »

Big Bull Moose with Broken Antler Courting and Young Bulls Sparring During the Rut »

Big Bull Moose with Cow and Calf During the Rut »

Big Moose Bull with Calf and Cow during the early Moose Rut »

Bull Moose Warming Up for Their Rutting Season in Canadas Rockies »

Canadian Rockies Moose with Calf Grazing »

Huge Bull Moose Courting Cow During the Rut »

Huge Bull Moose Pursues Receptive Cow during the Moose Rut »

Largest Creature in the Park Carefully Crosses Maligne River »

Magnificent Bull Moose Courting Cow During the Rut »

Magnificent Bull Moose Covers Ground and Swims Maligne Lake During the Rut »

Magnificent Bull Moose in Canada's Rockies »

Maligne River is very High with Moose Enjoying the Water »

Moose Baby out From Hiding and Growing Fast »

Moose Bulls with Fibromas Tumor Growths »

Moose Cow Running Calf Away During the Rut »

Moose Encounters are More Common Now »

Moose Feeding in a Canadian Rockies Mountain Lake »

Mother Moose Tries Chasing Calf Away Large Bull Approaches to Mate in a Canadian Rockies Evening »

Mother Moose with Calf in Mountains in October »

Playful Moose Calf Joins Mom in a Canadian Rockies Winter »

The Gentle Giant Moose in a Canadian Rockies Fall »

These Twig Eaters Grow Fast Moose »

Three Healthy Bulls Entering the Moose Rut »

Moose Rut Season

The Active Moose Rut Season Time and Duration

The active peak of rutting season for moose is the first two weeks of October. Farther North in the hemisphere is earlier as South is a bit later.

Early in September, however, even though no mating occurs, moose cows behavior changes towards bulls that begins to allow courtship. Bull moose come down from altitudes into the valleys and cows will socialize with bulls for the purpose of reproduction. Moose may be witnessed in small groups at this stage. Fights among bulls at this time may be possible as they begin to compete for the right to court cows.

During this early rutting phase, bulls and cows can be heard vocalizing sounds that are not usually heard at other times of the year. Moose Bulls are normally quiet, but as the rutting season starts, bull moose will announce their presence with a low-frequency grunting or gulping sounds that many call a croak.

Beginning of the Moose Rut

In the first two weeks of October, bulls will court cows for mating purposes. The largest and heaviest of the Deer family may still be seen in groups during this time, with both Bulls and Cows potentially competing for mates. Moose Bulls will chase off or even fight rivals for mating rights, while cows that occupy the same area may also chase each other away from a favourite bull moose.

While cow moose are in estrous the bulls will stay in the area, mating several times to ensure successful breeding happens.

Moose Rut in Canada

Moose Rut Season Captured in Nature on Video..

View more Moose(Alces alces) rutting season videos with Wildlife On Video.

Popular Moose Rut Videos »
Moose Bull Rutting Behaviors »
Moose Bull Fights During the Rut »
Moose Bulls Sparring »
Moose Rut Videos »
All Moose Rut Season Videos

Moose Rut
We were lucky to witness this huge bull courting a receptive cow during the Moose Rut. The active peak of rutting season for moose is generally the first two weeks of October. Farther North in the hemisphere is earlier as South is a bit later. Moose bulls may court cows for several days during their mating season. The largest and heaviest of the Deer family can often be seen in groups during this time, with both Bulls and Cows potentially competing for mates. Moose Bulls will chase off or even fight rivals for mating rights, while cows that occupy the same area may also chase each other away from a favorite bull moose. You can hear some vocalizations between the bull and cow along with seeing some very rare behavior in these gentle giants.

More Moose Rut Encounters:   5

Moose Rut Season